The 2024 Awards categories are listed below:

Important Information

When you enter you will be required to register yourself, upon doing so, you will receive an email from Once you've received this please click the Activate link in the email to confirm the set up. You will then be able to complete your entry.

Entries to the awards are charged for at £240 + VAT. You can return at any point using your login credentials to manage your account and modify your entry until the closing date. To enter the awards please complete an entry form on the website filling out all relevant fields. 

Read carefully the description of the category you wish to enter. Most categories are only open to employers – please check the category criteria to ensure you are eligible to enter.

If you're a service provider, you will only be eligible to enter the 'Best Supplier to Work For' Award.

Best Benefits to Support Work-Life Balance

The judges will be looking for strategies that offer greater flexibility to help support employees manage their lives outside work, as well as their own wellbeing and wider workplace experience.

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Best Benefits Communications – Small Employer

Most effective benefits communications strategy for employers with fewer than 1,500 staff.

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Best Pensions Strategy

This award will recognise an employer that has developed a pensions strategy that best meets the needs of its workforce.

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Best Healthcare and Wellbeing Benefits - Large Employer

The judges will be looking for a successful health and wellbeing strategy that helps boost productivity or engagement through employee wellbeing. 

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Best Healthcare and Wellbeing Benefits - Small Employer

Most effective healthcare and wellbeing strategy for employers with fewer than 1,500 staff

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Best Voluntary Benefits

The judges will be looking for an organisation that has either launched or revamped its use of staff-paid, voluntary benefits or staff deals.

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Best Benefits to Support Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

This award recognises the measures an employer has taken to support inclusion and diversity among its workforce.

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Best Public Sector Benefits

The judges will be looking at the steps a public sector employer has taken to implement a successful benefits package or initiative for its employees. 

The overall word count on entries in this document must NOT exceed 1,000. Entries which exceed 1,000 words will be disqualified. Information can be listed as bullet points.

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Best Financial Wellbeing Strategy - Small Employer

Most effective use of financial education and workplace savings for employers with fewer than 1,500 staff.

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Best Financial Wellbeing Strategy - Large Employer

Most effective use of financial education and workplace savings for employers with more than 1,500 staff.

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Best Benefits to Support Reproductive Health

Most effective benefits strategy to help staff going through fertility treatment or pregnancy.

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Best Benefits to Support Menopause

Most effective benefits strategy to help staff going through the menopause.

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Best Use of Benefits Technology

This award recognises how an employer has best utilised and adapted technology to suit its benefit package, its business aims and the needs of its employees. 

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Best Motivation or Recognition Scheme

The judges will be looking for a successful motivation strategy that uses either incentives or motivational rewards to help drive employee performance, engagement or retention. 

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Best Alignment of Benefits to Business Strategy

Most effective alignment of benefits strategy to business strategy

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Best Flexible Benefits Plan

The judges will be looking for a successful strategy that has effectively delivered benefits through a flexible benefits plan. 

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Best Supplier to Work For

This award will recognise an organisation that uses its benefits package to position itself as an attractive employer, beyond merely offering its own products and services to its workforce.

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HR or Benefits Team of the Year

This category will celebrate an in-house HR or benefits team that has worked to deliver benefits that meet the HR and business strategies of their organisation.

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Benefits Professional of the Year

This category will celebrate an in-house benefits, reward or HR professional who has made their mark on the industry.

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Grand Prix

This category is not open to entries. Our panel of judges select the entry they deem to be the best of the best from all the category winners. The Grand Prix winner will be announced on the day of the event.

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Best Benefits Communications – Large Employer

Most effective benefits communications strategy for employers with more than 1,500 full-time staff:

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Best Mental Health Strategy

This award will recognise employers that have made a concerted effort to address employee stress and mental ill-health in the workplace.

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Rising Star

This category will celebrate an HR professional who has been in the industry no more than five years, but who has already had a considerable impact on the HR and business strategies of their organisation.

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